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Devonport Primary School

Tuesday, 28th February, 2017

Tena koutou katoa, 

Congratulations to Halberg house, who won the most points this past week and now have their flag flying proudly from the flagpole. The children are really looking forward to our first house event of the year, the House Tabloid Sports, taking place from 11.30 - 12.30 tomorrow. Parents are very welcome to come along and support your families house as the children (and staff) engage in some fun tabloid races.

There is a lot of important information in this newsletter, so please take the time to scan the various headings and see what is relevant to you. Later this week I will be sending out a separate communication about our school charter and targets for this year.

Thanks to those parents who are making sure they park 'legally' around school at drop off and pick up time, this really helps to keep our children safe. There are still a few parents stopping briefly at the St Aubyn Street gate. I know that you are only there for a few moments but when you stop across the gate you block the visibility and access for pedestrians and it only takes a moment for a child to be knocked over.  Auckland Transport have indicated to us that they plan to patrol around our school more often so avoid getting a ticket and park in the right place.

Hopefully by now  you have booked a goal setting (year 4-6) or parent/teacher (year 1-3) interview. Interviews are being held on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th March. To book an interview go to and enter the code 78E8N. 

Have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you all in your red, blue, green and yellow tomorrow!

Naku noa



by Melinda Bennett

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Board of Trustee policies

by Melinda Bennett

Our school has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community.

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Waterwise - Invitation to Year 1 to 5 Parents 

by Linda Williams

Come and see what Waterwise is all about Fridays (10 and 17 March and 7 April) 11.30 – 3pm Narrowneck Beach.   Did you know that our year 6 students go to Narrowneck Beach on summer Friday afternoons to participate in Waterwise where they learn how to sail an Optimist, kayaking and other fun water skills? Each year we need to train a few more parents as instructors to replace those parents whose time at DPS has come to an end. We’re keen to recruit parents long before their child reaches year 6. No sailing experience is needed. What is needed is your time and enthusiasm. You’ll need to be available to do the training in August/September. You’ll then need to be available on a regular basis on Friday afternoons in terms 1 and 4. If you’d like to find out more, why not pop down to Narrowneck and see us in action. Or contact Dave Burrows for more info. 

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Dental Van at school this week and next week

by Linda Williams

 The Mobile Dental Van will be visiting our School from 22nd May until 2nd June, to examine children who are due to be seen. The clinic contact for your school is Belmont Community Dental Clinic on 445 6664.  

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Dates to Remember for Term 3, 2018

by Linda Williams

Events for Term 3, 2018

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