Kaiapoi High School PTA

PTA Meeting Dates for 2016

Thank you to all the parents, school staff, PTA members and students that attended the year nine parents Wine and Cheese Evening on 23rd February. We had a great turnout. Thank you also to the Hospitality students for the amazing cheese boards and to Super Liquor Kaiapoi for their support of the evening.

The PTA will be selling Entertainment books (hard copy or digital) again during 2016. Please watch out for more details shortly or pre order via emailing pta@kaiapoi.school.nz.  All 2016 Entertainment books sold will go into a draw to win a $100 voucher from Jagger and Co.

Our next meeting dates for 2016 are as follows-

Tuesday 5th April – School staffroom, 7pm to 9pm.  PTA AGM – BYOD Discussion. Guests will be Assistant Principal, Kim van Vuuren, and Teacher in Charge of BYOD, Katie Graham, who will give a better understanding on what devices are being used for at school, how google classroom works, and how the first year of BYOD at school is working. All welcome. Please rsvp to pta@kaiapoi.school.nz before Monday 4th April.

Tuesday 3rd May – School staffroom, 7pm to 9pm. PTA Meeting – Understanding NCEA for caregivers.  Please come along with all your questions for Elizabeth McMeeken - What is an endorsement? How are credits worked out? When do students earn credits? How do parents track progress? All welcome. Please rsvp to pta@kaiapoi.school.nz before Monday 2nd May.

Tuesday 7th June – School staffroom, 7pm to 9pm. PTA Meeting – Careers and Subject Choices. As caregivers, how do we support our children with subject and career options, what options are available, where to get more information, things to consider in an uncertain future. Also, any other career questions for Andy Ashworth. Please rsvp to pta@kaiapoi.school.nz before Monday 6th June.