Important information 

From Kaiapoi High School


Students' school contribution accounts have now been emailed.
Please check that you have received your child’s account and that the
subjects charged are correct, especially if your child has had any change of subjects.
Just a reminder you can view your child’s account through the school
website on the parent portal. If you do not know your password, please
email and we will email your password to
If you have not received this email or have any queries, please contact
the School's Accounts department.
Email: or telephone 375 5004 ext 801.


Kaiapoi High School has in recent years signalled student absence to parents by text and by email.

From the start of week 7, we will now alert parents only by email and this will occur twice a day. If your child is marked absent with no known reason, then an email will automatically be sent at 11.30am and again at 4pm. If you know the reason, eg. medical, then please could you reply to that email, send a note in with your child the next day or phone the school office on 3755004 ext 802.

The parent portal on the school website is also always open and updated for you to view your child’s attendance at any time.


Please ensure all items of school uniform are named. We have already received several new uniform cardigans at the office without names and are therefore unable to find their owners.

Many thanks.

Andy Ashworth - Assistant Principal