by Eamonn Lowe

House Challenge Day 2016

This year's House Challenge Day was held in our first week of school for a bunch of different reasons, but mainly to establish a strong, albeit small community within each tutor class. 

Given the competitiveness and enthusiasm at each event, there is no doubt this occurred.

If somebody had unexpectedly stumbled on the event, they would have observed what appeared to be mass confusion, hysterical screaming, and an explosion of colour! This can be explained by the tutor classes moving frantically around a variety of events, vigorous within their class, and with a huge effort with costumes. These costumes included VW Vans, M&M’s, Disney characters, and even a walking shower!

The house relay results were a comprehensive victory to Totara followed by Kauri, Matai, and Rimu. The winning tutor group was TBrj with Mrs Brown.