MPS BoT + PTA — Feb 9, 2022

Have you seen the progress on our new turf?! Wow! We are so excited to be so close to this reaching completion... but we need your help! ⚽

We have already raised an incredible $225,000 between the huge effort at last year's Art Exhibition, our annual Quiz Night, a boost from the MoE, securing some awesome grants, and some truly amazing parents - you know who you are!!! - we are nearly there!  

To get this project over the line we only need to raise another $25,000!!  That might sound like a lot, but if we all pitch in we can make this happen!!!  Sadly, Covid isn't playing ball (see what we did there?!πŸ‘ ), so fundraising doesn't look the same as it usually does, however every little bit helps!

We would love you to play ball with us - you can buy ONE SQUARE METRE of turf for $100. We only need 250 people to do this & we can seal the deal, let's get our kids playing ball before the end of the year!!!  βš½πŸ‘

All contributions will be acknowledged with a plaque on our Gratitude Wall when the turf is completed.

How can you pitch in? There are several ways to contribute:

Thank you in advance for supporting this fantastic opportunity!  Not to mention thank you to the incredible folk driving this to happen!

Lets Play Ball!!