Ormiston Junior College — Jun 2, 2020

All Kāinga learning areas, Te Wana (the OJC cafe area, a gathering space named after Ngāi Tai iwi leader) Mātanginui (our courtyard, named after the Ngāi Tai iwi maunga/mountain), and Library are open from 8:00am for learners to prepare for their day. Learners frequently utilise this time to get ahead on learning or meet with school groups to progress projects.


The OJC timetable is affectionately known as the 'TARDIS'. Our time at school is set-up with a simple framework that both Learning Coaches and Learners can use to maximise their learning in the areas that they need support with or extension on. The colours on the TARDIS reflect how each block of time during the day is spent.

ORANGE | MAC & Kāinga

This part of the week is spent working on personal goals and development in the areas of social-emotional & relational learning, metacognition (thinking about our thinking), and hauora (holistic wellbeing). Learners at OJC are expected and supported to "learn to learn" and manage themselves as young people preparing for the world of senior secondary education and beyond. 

For learners, their Kāinga is both a home and an anchor during their time at OJC. They are both a physical space (learning commons) and an organisational structure for our learners and learning coaches. 

Our Kāinga reflect the narrative of OJC about navigating our unique learning journey and our belief that learning is life and life is learning. The six Kāinga, with names gifted by our manawhenua, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, are all named in honour of Māori and Pacific navigation tools: Tohorā (whale), Aumoana (ocean current), Tai Pari Tai Timu (tides), Kapua (clouds), Manu (birds), Whetū (stars) and Marama (the moon). Each Kāinga holds a unique narrative that support learners to navigate and be guided on their own journey through the school.

MAC & Kāinga time is used to teach these advanced learning skills, to track and monitor our learners' progress and achievement, and to set and track personal learning goals - both short and longer term. MAC & Kāinga time is in place to help our learners and families navigate life at middle school and the transition from primary school learner to teen while ensuring that each learner is supported by a 'M'entor/'A'dvisor/'C'oach ("MAC" teacher) who knows the learner and their family well.

RED | Literacy & Numeracy Labs

Literacy and numeracy learning are core skills that will support success in all other curriculum areas at Junior and Senior College. Each day OJC learners take part in personalised literacy and numeracy programming that targets and accelerates any gaps they may have in these areas, and pushes them to excel in their existing areas of excellence or passion. Labs and workshops are run to ensure the learners are developing their abilities in reading, writing and maths, while learning guides and personalised coaching sessions are completed in class and at home to develop self-direction and learning management skills and strategies.

BLUE | Whānau Ora

This is where Whānau Ora ("The Health of our Whānau/Family") curriculum is also delivered. This is an explicit coaching provision to ensure that the holistic wellbeing of each learner is supported and developed. Whānau Ora provides physical and personal development coaching connecting learners to all the dimensions of their Hauora through a range of choices and frequent opportunities to try something new.

Tween (11-12 year olds) and Teen (13+) neuroscience tells us that young brains function and learn best when they engage in some form of physical activity and exercise daily.

OJC learners are able to choose sport and physical activity options each term to keep them active and encourage them to try new things and get our of their comfort zone and develop resilience and grit. Whānau Ora learning also focuses on the hauora (wellbeing) dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Wha and supports our learner's understanding of how to support and maintain a personalised approach to their own wellbeing.

To learn a little more about how physical activity and wellbeing affect learning and the brain check out this clip from Harvard Professor John Ratey, MD Psychiatrist.

GREEN | T.A.I.P (transdisciplinary, authentic, inquiry projects)

Each learner at OJC will cover the New Zealand curriculum and complete the OJC graduate profile digital assessment badges during TAIP time. Our Learning Coaches plan to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are covered and mapped for each learner through learning experiences and expeditions during TAIP time. They then work to drive deeper learning by supporting projects which connect learners existing knowledge and interests with real world contexts, people, and problems. All learners will work on a project that covers a minimum of three learning areas from The New Zealand Curriculum and that has authentic outcomes. TAIP offers opportunities for learners to collaborate, develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, sharpen their ability to connect knowledge areas, connect and network with businesses and other professionals, and enhance their curiosity about the world and their futures.

Each term learners are given options within the TAIP curriculum to engage with each Learning Area in the New Zealand Curriculum. Their progress is monitored in each of these learning areas through the OJC digital badging assessments which occur at the end of each term.