by Makia GIBSON

Subash Chandar K | Learning Designer

After arriving from India and with expectations from my parents to start a career in Engineering, things took a turn when I decided to drop out of Engineering and chose to become a Maths teacher.

I spent 5 years teaching in Manurewa High School before taking a year off to backpack around the world with my wife while volunteering in Bali and in Nepal. An opportunity arrived at Ormiston Senior College during my travels and I took on the challenge. 

In 2013 I launched a YouTube channel called infinityplusone which was a resource to help students across New Zealand with NCEA Level 1 to 3 Maths and I spent the last 5 years as the Curriculum Leader of Mathematics. 

My aim is to inspire the next generation of creators and innovators. My students inspire me to constantly question my teaching pedagogies and push myself towards the future. 

I constantly pursue meaningful and contextual tasks to increase student engagement due to the wide variety of learning styles among my students. I am driven by the understanding that my students need to be prepared for the future.