Chocolate Fundraiser
This term, the School Community Group is organizing a Chocolate Fundraiser.
Boxes of assorted Cadbury chocolates bars will be arriving on Thursday and will be distributed to children on Friday 2nd March for families to sell. One box of chocolates will be issued to each family (unless notified otherwise), and will be given to the eldest child. When you have sold your chocolates, could you please return your money to the office in the envelope provided, with your child’s name and room name clearly written on the front. There are 30 chocolate bars in each box, and these sell for $2.00 each. The total for each box is $60.00. Money raised from Fundraising projects this year will go towards the New Entrant Garden and Play area, the year 5-8 performance of The Lion King, and the Senior Leaders’ trip to Wellington. Thank you for your support of this fundraiser If you do not wish to partake in this fundraiser, please let office staff know before Monday 26th February, by replying to this email. Please make sure you state your child’s name and teacher’s name.