How Much Plastic is in the Ocean? by It's Okay To Be Smart

How Much Plastic Waste Do We Create

Investigate how much plastic waste we really create from day to day and how we can go about reducing this.

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Your Challenge:

To measure how much and what types of plastic waste are created in your school in one week. From this, work out how much this could be reduced by a few simple changes in teachers’ and pupils’ habits within the school, as well as at home and in the wider community.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch this video to learn of the consequences of not disposing of plastic waste appropriately.

  2. Brainstorm how you might work out how much and what types of plastic waste are generated in your school in one week.

  3. Research what types and quantities of plastic are created in your school during one week. Using this knowledge, research how this might be reduced – you could use the web, or in school or community surveys for ideas on how this could be achieved and the willingness of participants to find ways to reduce their plastic waste.

  4. Summarize your findings in a report (presentation, video) to present back to the class and/or school and via this website.

  5. Take Action by deciding how you can use your new-found knowledge to reduce plastic waste in your school and/or home and raise awareness in others.

  6. Capture and Share these outcomes using photo and/or video and post on this site to inspire others.

Educator Notes

Useful links

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch