Teresa Burn — May 29, 2024

The School will be closed on Monday for King`s Birthday and on Tuesday for Teacher Only Day. sKids are open for bookings on Tuesday. Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

Coming Up


Principal News

School Notices

Friends of the School

School Events

Principal News

School Disco

Huge thanks to everyone who supported the school disco last Friday. The FOTS team worked incredibly hard to make the evening such fun. The memories that are created at events like these last a lifetime. Thanks for making that happen. (More photos at the bottom of this newsletter).

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Parent/Teacher Conferences

We are looking forward to the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences, taking place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July.

Later this term you will be able to book a time with your child's teacher.

With growing numbers of students at school, we try to support our teachers by starting earlier for children in Years 4-6 where class numbers are higher than in the Juniors. Teachers will start interviews at 2.15pm on Wednesday 3rd so they can fit in all of the appointments.

To help support teachers we ask that if it is possible please collect your child from school at 2pm if they are in Years 4-6.

If your child has a younger sibling you may also collect them at the same time if that is more convenient. Children can be collected from the bus bay, outside their classrooms or will be allowed to walk home if you have given consent through the Google form below. If you are asking a friend to collect your child, please let us know on the Google form.

 So we can arrange adequate supervision for students who are not collected, please complete the Google form by Monday 03 June, by clicking here.

Thank you for your support for our teachers.

Newsletter Format

Thank you for the lovely feedback on the new format. Please remember that you can translate the newsletter into different languages. If you are reading it on a mobile device, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will find a button.

Road Safety Week

Last week we had a schoolwide focus on Road Safety.

Part of the role I play in road safety is by being in the bus bay before and after school. Thank you to everyone who helps out with keeping the traffic flowing. I am still working on acquiring Peter's knack of keeping the flow going. I really appreciate those people who help out by;

When everyone works together there is a noticeable difference.

Role modelling around the school is vital to being part of the Browns Bay Community. I know that sometimes mornings can be busy and it is tempting to cut across the road away from the crossing, but I really encourage you to consider the impact it has on everyone at school. Every time a child sees an adult make that choice, it shows them that adults think it is a safe thing to do. That may not impact them this week or next week, but when children see this role modelling there is a cumulative effect and we never know the impact of that. Please just take an extra minute to walk to the crossing and be a great role model for everyone at school.

Please never;

AWHI Update

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

We continue to see students developing their understanding of how to live the Browns Bay School values both in school and outside of school. It makes such a positive difference in the classrooms and playgrounds.

Recently, students have learned about the ways we can show respect to each other, to adults and to any visitors in the classroom. Please also ask your child what they have learned about times to use their home language and times to use their learning language. This week’s AWHI lesson focused on ways that we can make great choices at school. We’ve just had our Wheel of Choice signs reprinted. You can spot them in the Junior, Middle and Senior areas of the school. 

Wheel of Choice — Image by: Heidi Goodinson

These signs help all of us to understand what we can do when things don’t go to plan. It’s wonderful to hear students talk about the choices they made and how it helped them and their friendships. We also extend a huge thank you to our Peer Mediators who support our students during lunchtimes. They are invaluable.

School Notices

Customer Support Information for myKindo and ezlunch

Search Orders

On your myKindo account you can review existing orders using the my orders page.

Login to your account and select my orders page either from the tab at the top of the page or the drop-down menu from myKindo.


Friends of the School

Discretionary Fund

FOTS is inviting applications for the 2024 Discretionary Fund. If you are a staff member, coach or helper and require funding for a small school project or activity, please click on the link for application information and form

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Applications must be submitted via the above link to online form by 3pm on Friday 31st May. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of Term 2, and allocated funding must be used in Term 3.

For further information, please contact Tanya Sheppard: tanyas@brownsbay.school.nz

 or the FOTS Discretionary Fund sub-committee: fots@my.brownsbay.school.nz

Disco thanks and money raised

Thanks for everyone's efforts at the FOTS Black and White Disco, including Parent Volunteers, Teachers, Students and FOTS members. We managed to raise an amazing 

$5431.00 for the school! We loved seeing all the kids dressed up and having fun with friends.

This money goes towards projects for the school like updating the sports field, equipment, and other resources.

We look forward to the FOTS Sausage Sizzle on 20 June, keep an eye on Facebook for updates on that.

Have a great King`s Birthday weekend!


If you would like to subscribe to our volunteer's mailing list, or if you wish to learn more please email fots@my.brownsbay.school.nz, or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Browns-Bay-School-Friends-of-the-School.


Did you know we share a Facebook page with Browns Bay School? For news, photos, updates and event information, search www.facebook.com/Browns-Bay-School-Friends-of-the-School

School Events

Year 4 Camp

Our Year 4 students spent two days at the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Research Centre in Long Bay. They learned that the ocean makes up 70% of the planet’s surface and that the health of our earth depends on our seas. Students challenged themselves to find ways to protect our oceans and rocky shore. In addition, pupils also had the opportunity to challenge themselves in outdoor activities such as rock climbing, surf skills, outdoor survival, paddle boarding, boogie boarding, kayaking, and archery. They collaborated, problem solved and encouraged each other to push themselves further. They all had a wonderful time and we send our thanks to the teachers, MERC staff and all of the parent helpers.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Year 4-6 Cross Country

We recently held our annual school Cross Country at Windsor Park.

This event was well attended with over 120 Year 4 to Year 6 students taking up the challenging 2km course.

Well done to all those who participated, and a huge thank you to the parents who helped us run this successful event.

Our top runners will now be invited to compete at the Super Cluster Cross Country event coming up later in June.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson
Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Congratulations to our top 3 place getters in each category:

Year 4 Boys: 1st Luke Houston, 2nd Lochy Iversen, 3rd Lucas Lee-Jones

Year 4 Girls: 1st Leonie Berla, 2nd Elle Turner, 3rd Lian Kim

Year 5 Boys: 1st Callan Basson, 2nd Alex Rossouw, 3rd Theo Corbett

Year 5 Girls: 1st Maeve McGovern, 2nd Crystal Shen, 3rd Charlotte Weeks

Year 6 Boys: 1st Jared Zhang, 2nd DJ Lee, 3rd Luke Wessels

Year 6 Girls: 1st Isobel Edmonds, 2nd Amelia Dobbie, 3rd Grace Gao

Year 5 and 6 Tackle Rugby

Our Year 5 and 6 Tackle Rugby team participated in the Annual Barbarian Rugby Fun Day at Bruce Pulman Park. The boys played some great rugby and were able to rub shoulders with some Blues players. The boys represented the school superbly and were recognised for their amazing sportsmanship, winning tickets to an upcoming Blues game. 

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Year 5 and Year 6 Super Cluster Basketball

Our top Year 5 and Year 6 Basketball teams participated in the Super Cluster Basketball tournament at Eventfinder Stadium.

It was a great day of basketball and both our teams played with skill and good sportsmanship. Both teams made the semi-finals on the day – with our Year 6 team finishing in 3rd place. A huge thanks to all the parents and coaches who helped on the day.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Year 5 and Year 6 Girls Basketball Day

Harbour Basketball held an inaugural 3x3 Girls Basketball day at Eventfinder Stadium. Year 5 and Year 6 girls who play for school basketball teams made up three 3x3 teams to participate on the day. All the girls had a fantastic day playing this abridged version of the game for the first time. It was special to see over 26 Girls teams and over 140 girls all playing basketball. Well done to all the girls who participated and congratulations to our Year 6 Red team who won all their games.
A huge thanks must also be given to the parents who helped on the day. 

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Road Safety Week/ Travelwise Event

Road Safety Week was a tremendous success. There was a strong focus, in each class, on reinforcing what students learned about road safety during Constable Wansink’s visits these past few weeks. Thank you to Constable Wansink for the engaging lessons!

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

The Junior Student Council members stood outside the front office and gave stamps to those students who were correctly using the crossing on Masterton Road. Meanwhile, Mrs Vermeij and the Senior Student Council members stood on the corner of Browns Bay Road and Hyde Road with placards to raise community awareness about road safety. The waves and honks of support from families passing by were much appreciated.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

We ended the week with our Travelwise Day. So many students walked, biked, scootered as well as parked and walked to school. The joy on the students' faces as they dressed up as local road safety heroes and superheroes was a highlight of the day. Their costumes were creative and fun. A big congratulations to the winners of the Travelwise Day costume contest.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported our Road Safety Week Travelwise Day. Together, we are making our community safer and more aware, and we couldn't be more proud of what we have achieved. Let's continue to promote and practice road safety every day and be TRAVELWISE!

Mr Mike and Mr Peter painted a Zebra Crossing so we can practise crossing the road safely. Mr Peter also made a working Traffic Light. We think they are both really clever.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Pink Shirt Day

Supporting Anti Bully Pink Shirt Day at Browns Bay School.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

Kidslink — Image by: Heidi Goodinson

We're very excited to announce the Rangitoto College's Korean Night dress rehearsal is happening on TUESDAY 4th June 3:30pm-5:30pm, and the college students have worked exceptionally hard towards this show. No minimum age limit with no ticket required - parents to accompany primary students please.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson

The evening show will be on Friday 7th June, 6pm-10pm, tickets are $8, available at the door.

Image by: Heidi Goodinson