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Browns Bay School

2025 Winter Netball - Kidzplay Pinehurst

Cherie Bibbie - February 20, 2025

Years 1-6 Infomation

Junior Netball at Pinehurst is an open netball league for Year 1 - 6 players with games played on a Saturday anytime from 8.45am until mid-afternoon ( the final game depends on the number of teams).  

The 2025 Winter League will start in Term 2 and run through Term 3 excluding school holidays and long weekends – 10th  May to 14th June and 19th July to 6th September. Please note there will be no netball on 31 May (King’s Birthday Weekend) and 21 June (Matariki Weekend).

This league offers netball variants to suit each year level. Year 1 children play a non-competitive league 6-a-side version of netball and Year 2 upwards play 7-a-side netball with a variance to rules that ensure the players grow into the full game as they mature. Netball is traditionally a female game however teams can have 1 or 2 boys in them. 

All Year 1- 2 children are required to wear the Browns Bay School Sports uniform. This may be purchased through the school website. 

General Guidelines

  1. All teams playing netball MUST rotate positions each week.  This is to ensure that all players have the opportunity to learn all the positions that make up netball.  

  2. Each team is to supply an umpire.  Two umpires control the game in the Netball NZ format of umpiring half a court.  The level of calls against the players is dependent on the level of the players. Teams can opt to pay for an umpire each week for approx $10 a game if one can’t be found for the team – this is an additional cost sorted by managers and paid directly to umpires each week.

  3. Players are not allowed on the court wearing watches, earrings or jewellery.

  4. All players, coaches and supporters are expected to follow the Browns Bay School sports code of conduct found on our school website.

  5. The Junior Netball League is a learning experience for players, coaches and umpires.

As with any sport our children choose to participate in we need the assistance of parents/caregivers,older brothers/sisters to coach/manage and umpire our future champions.  Pinehurst offers a safe friendly atmosphere in which to try these skills, and we would appreciate your help.  Both Pinehurst and Netball North Harbour offer free coaching and umpiring classes. Teams must have a coach and a manager to be registered. 

The fee for Junior Netball is $70 per player (which covers the fees to Kidzplay for both terms and the upkeep of netball gear & equipment) 

How to Register?

  1. Fill in the registration form on the school website by  Friday 7th March.  

  2. Pay the fee in KINDO 

Cherie Bibbie

Netball Coordinator