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Browns Bay School

12 December - Term 4 Week 9

Teresa Burn

School finishes on Tuesday 17 December at 1pm

Coming Up

  • Y6 Graduation - Tonight - 6pm (School Hall)

  • Friday 13 December - New Class Placements - 1.30pm-2.15pm

  • Friday 13 December - Reports to Parents - 3pm

  • Monday 16 December - Y5 Movie Trip

  • Tuesday 17 December - Full School Assembly - 11.20am (Y5 Hosting)

  • Tuesday 17 December - Last Day of Term 4 - 1pm Finish

  • Monday 03 February - First Day of Term 1 2025


Principal News

  • Thank you to everyone who supported Jingle

  • School Gardens

  • Pool Keys

School Notices

  • Second Hand Uniform Sale

Friends of the School/P.T.A

  • Jingle

School Events

  • Super Cluster Athletics Day

  • Sports Results

  • EPRo8

  • Star Student Rm 33

Principal News

Thank You To Everyone Who Supported Jingle

My first Jingle was a really special evening. What a fabulous community evening. Thanks to everyone who took part and supported this event, but especially to the Friends of the School. Without their hard work and dedication we could not manage an event like Jingle. It is only with their support that we can create such happy memories for our children. You can find lots of photos in the photo gallery at the end of this newsletter.

FOTS have shared that they raised over $12,000 on the evening. What a great contribution to improving our school grounds.

School Gardens

Vanessa (parent of Annika in Year 2) has volunteered to help maintain the gardens near the pool over the summer holidays. We would love to have them weeded and some small plants added before the start of the year. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact Vanessa at

Thanks to Vanessa - another great Friend of Browns Bay School!

Pool keys

Last week, notices were sent home with children with dates and information on hiring a pool key for Term 1. Please remember these need to be returned by tomorrow so we can have keys ready to go at the start of the year.

Final Newsletter

We will be sending home a final newsletter of the year on Tuesday next week.

School Notices

Second Hand Uniform Sale

FOTS/P.T.A will be doing a second hand uniform sale next year before Term 1 starts on Friday 31 January in the school hall, (time TBC). An email will be sent to parents nearer the time. Any donations of school uniform would be greatly appreciated. These can be dropped off at the school office before 1pm on Tuesday.

Friends of the School/P.T.A

Jingle was such a fun night - we raised over $12,000!! Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the school, and a huge thank you again to all our families and local businesses who donated to our silent auction - it was a huge success.

The FOTS Team

School Events

Super Cluster Athletics Day

Our Year 4 to 6 athletes competed at the Super Cluster Athletics day recently at Onewa Domain.

With two children entered in each age group and gender from each of the eight schools, the children that participated should be very proud of themselves.

Individual Results

Year 4 Girls 

Layla Voss - 1st= High Jump

Mint Chaikajonsak - 2nd Long Jump

Year 4 Boys

Lucas Lee-Jones - 1st High Jump, 1st 200m, 3rd 100m

Lochy Iversen - 2nd High Jump

Luke Houston - 1st 800m

Julian Topic - 1st Shot Put, 4th Discus, 4th 800m

Lucas Pu - 4th Shot Put

Year 4 Boys (Lochy Iversen, Julian Topic, Mason Du Plessis, Lucas Lee-Jones) - 3rd Relay

Year 5 Girls

Ana Regotti - 1st Shot Put, 1st Discus

Stevie Donald - 1st= High Jump

Alyssa Eslick - 3rd 200m

Year 5 Girls (Ana Regotti, Jessica Wilson, Alyssa Eslick, Crystal Shen) - 2nd Relay

Year 5 Boys

Callan Basson - 1st 100m, 1st 200m

Harley Kent - 4th 400m

Jack McDonald - 4th 800m

Year 5 Boys (Cody Faure, Harley Kent, Jack McDonald, Callan Basson) - 1st Relay

Year 6 Girls

Amelia Dobbie - 2nd Long Jump, 2nd 200m, 3rd 100m

Year 6 Boys

Jared Zhang - 1st 100m, 1st 200m

Brayden Dos Santos David - 3rd High Jump

Chani Kim - 4th= High Jump

Zaid Saqqa - 4th Shot Put

Year 6 Boys (Finn Billinghurst, Chani Kim, Ted Brien, Jared Zhang) - 1st Relay

Parent / Teacher Race Women's

Cherie Bibbie - 2nd

Carissa Lee-Jones - 3rd

Parent / Teacher Race Men's

Mark McDonald - 2nd

Sports Results 


BBS Pumas Year 1/2 Boys Gold Grade - 1st

BBS Wildcats Year 1/2 Mixed Grade - 2nd

BBS Hurricanes Year 3/4 Boys B Grade - 2nd

BBS Stormers Year 3/4 Boys A Grade - 1st

BBS Sharks Year 5/6 Boys A Grade - 2nd

BBS Ferns Year 5/6 Girls Gold Grade - 1st

ECB Miniball Semester 2

BBS Breakers Division 2 - 2nd

ECB Basketball Semester 2

BBS Heat Division 1 - 3rd

BBS Raiders Division 2 - 3rd

Splash Polo (Flippa Ball) Term 4

BBS Marlins A Grade - 2nd

BBS Sharks C Grade Bronze - 3rd


Congratulations to our Year 5 EPRo8 team  Agnes, Harold, Victor and Osanda

 who recently competed in the Inter Schools EPRo8 competition. 

A team of Y5 students entered the recent EPRo8 Technology Challenge and competed against 11 other primary schools from across the North Shore. Each team selected a challenge, then designed, constructed and engineered a number of moveable parts to earn points. Over the course of 3 hours they needed to solve problems they encountered, work cooperatively as a team and complete as many tasks as they could. 

Our team chose to design and create a roller coaster aka The Giant Marble Run. Each team had a range of tasks to complete within the given timeframe. These challenges tested their construction and problem solving skills in a team based environment. 

The BBS H.A.V.O.S team worked really well together on a tough challenge earning points along the way. Points were tallied at the end of the competition resulting in 5 teams earning  the same number of points. This meant that these teams had to compete in a tie breaker challenge. They were given three minutes to build the tallest free standing tower they could.  The H.A.V.O.S. had a great design, learned a lot about teamwork and can be very proud of their efforts despite not making it to the semi- finals. We hope they will take up the challenge again next year. 

Star Student Rm 33

Oscar competed in the Auckland Junior Swimming competition recently and got some excellent results.
Age group 9 and under:
1st - 200 Backstroke
3rd - 8×50 Freestyle Relay
4th - 100 Backstroke
5th - 100 Butterfly

Well done Oscar!

Community Notices

After school care is open from 1pm Tuesday 17th December.

Come join the fun - for bookings, please click HERE