2025 Winter Hockey
Cherie Bibbie - February 20, 2025
Is your child interested in playing Hockey for the school in Terms 2 & 3?
Games are played on Mondays, between 4pm - 5.30pm approx, at North Harbour Hockey Stadium, 159 Bush Road, Albany. Games commence Monday 5th May and the last game is 25th August. (No play Kings Birthday Monday 2nd June.)
Children will require their own mouth guard, shin pads and hockey stick to play. All games are 30 minutes in duration on ΒΌ field.
Here are the Hockey Guidelines for 2025
Commitment to play both Terms 2 and 3.
The form must be completed by 9am Friday 7th March.
Late registrations will result in your child being placed on a waiting list if all teams are full. They will only be placed in a team if there is space available.
Teams will be determined on player numbers.
All children must have their own mouth guard, shin pads and hockey stick.
The cost per player is $120.00 for the season.
Pay via your KINDO account once it is loaded.
All teams must have a manager or coach to play.
To register, click the link on the school website to register.
Please complete before the cut-off date 9am Friday 7th March.
Kind Regards
Cherie Bibbie
Adele van Driel
BBS Sports