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Browns Bay School

BBS Newsletter 19 February T1W3

February 18, 2025

Coming Up

  • Whanau Hui - Wednesday 19 February - 5.30pm

  • Year 4-6 School Swimming Sports - Thursday 20 February

  • BOT Meeting - Thursday 20 February - 6.30pm (Staffroom)

  • Year 6 Camp - Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 February (Carey Park)

  • FOTS AGM - Monday 24 February - 6pm (Staffroom)

  • Whole School Assembly - Friday 28 February - 9.45am (Y5 Hosting)

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences - Monday 03 March & Tuesday 04 March


Principal News

  • School App

  • Building Update

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences - Link to Bookings

  • Drop off closed on Monday

Awhi Update

  • School Mascot - Trimper

School Notices

  • Anzac Day Civic Ceremony

School Events

  • Rangitoto College Visit

Friends of the School/P.T.A


Principal News

School App

Thank you to everyone who attended the "Meet the Teacher" sessions last week. It was great to see everyone. As I explained in the meetings, invitations to log into the School App will start coming out this week.

Everyone should have received an email by the end of Week 4.

You can find all old newsletters in the App, with a quick summary of important information if you are looking for something. This term, newsletters will also be emailed to make sure you are not missing anything. In the App, you can choose if you would like to continue receiving emails.

Building Update

Typically the Auckland weather saved its worst for setting up and removing the wrapping and scaffolding for the roofing project! It is lovely to see the new roof being uncovered.

We are waiting to get final clearance to enter the building. The rooms will need a thorough clean. We are ready to go with that as soon as we have access to the building.

I know that the teachers are really looking forward to getting back into their classrooms. I will let you know as soon as they are ready.

Parent/Teacher Conferences - Link to Bookings

Bookings are now open for parent/teacher conferences. These are an opportunity for you to spend 10 minutes with your child's teacher to discuss how they have settled into school. It is a time for your child's teacher to hear from you about their strengths outside of school and how you can best work together to support your child to thrive at school.

You can sign up here using the following code; wz7ua

There are also a number of QR codes around school to make bookings even easier for you.

Drop Off Closed on Monday

On Monday morning our Year 6 children are attending camp. We expect buses to arrive at around 8.45 in the morning, but they may be here earlier.

Please plan for the drop-off area to be closed and make alternative arrangements.

The crossings will operate a little differently with our Year 6 students away, but they will be monitored by adults and it will still be safe for children to cross.

Awhi Update

School Mascot - Trimper

Trimper is our School Mascot. Trimper is an acronym of our school values:

Taking Responsibility, Inquiring Minds, Personal Excellence and Responsibility.

There are actually two Trimpers and sometimes children who are sent to the office for demonstrating our school values are lucky enough to own a Trimper for the day. Congratulations to our recent recipients;

  • Leonie Rm 20 (pictured top).

  • Devin Rm 32 (pictured top).

  • Ruan Rm 27 (pictured below).

School Notices

Anzac Day Civic Ceremony

Each year the school is invited to participate in the Anzac Day Civic Ceremony. We are looking for two school representatives to lay a wreath on behalf of the school at the Anzac Day Civic Ceremony in Browns Bay on Friday 25 April. School representatives will need to be dressed in school uniform.

(This is in the second week of the school holidays).

If you intend to be at this ceremony, and would like your child to be involved, could you please email Ms Hewitt on, or contact the school office.  

School Events

Rangitoto School Visit

Each year the Rangitoto College Chinese and Korean student leaders organise some activities for the students at the college to learn more about their cultures. This year the primary and intermediate schools were invited to send 7 Cultural Leaders along to experience the activities themselves. Our Leaders were fantastic ambassadors for our school and they all very much enjoyed the event. They also loved sampling the different foods!

We hope that our Cultural Leaders can now run some workshops like these for our BBS students later in the year.

Friends of the School/P.T.A


All parents/caregivers are invited to the Friends of the School/Browns Bay School PTA Annual General Meeting. This will be a wine and cheese evening held in the staffroom on Monday 24 February at 6pm. Everyone is welcome. Now is a great time to join our committee and make a real difference to our school. No need to RSVP, just turn up on the evening - we would love to see you there.

The FOTS Team.

Community Notices