Senior German Immersion Excursion:
Every year the senior German students take part in an immersion experience with other language learners from around Wellington. This year we were hosted by Victoria University for an immersion day and joined by students from Heretaunga College, Wellington College and Te Kura. We were welcomed by the Victoria Uni German department and were able to hear from current students about their experience learning a language at university and the many scholarships and opportunities available to German learners. The theme for this year was Weihnachten (Christmas) and students decorated Christmas tree ornaments and used their German to introduce themselves to new friends.
After morning tea, students had chosen three workshops to attend over the course of the day offered by teachers and the Goethe Institut. Options included an escape room competition, tongue twister challenge, Christmas crafts, writing their own rap in German, and putting together a play. Kimberly Guenther, German Language Assistant for WGC and Heretaunga College, had written a play explaining the story of Saint Martin and the festival Germans celebrate close to Christmas that remembers his kindness to a beggar. Students performed the play for the rest of the group at the end of the day and we really appreciated Kimberly’s work putting this together.
Students had a wonderful time getting to know other German learners and use their German in a variety of different situations. We also thank the University for their generosity and hospitality through the day. We look forward to next year’s immersion excursion!