Anna Simonsen — Sep 1, 2023

As you will be aware, it is illegal to vape or smoke onsite at Wellington Girls’ College. Unfortunately, we have some students vaping during school hours. Our position is that vaping is illegal and poses a health threat to our students. If a student is found vaping, we confiscate and dispose of the vape, and contact their whānau. Repeat offenders perform community service and may be asked to a whānau hui with the Principal. At risk are other privileges such as attending dances and balls, as well as senior lunch passes.

If we encounter two or more students congregating in a bathroom stall, we will assume they are vaping. This will be recorded on the student management system and whānau will be notified. There is no reason for a student to have another student with them in a small toilet stall. There are plenty of places around the school that students can conduct confidential conversations and we do not support students using stalls to consume food.

If your child is addicted to vaping you can get support from our school nurse or contact Quit Line.

We appreciate your support on this issue.