Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington Graduates June 22 - May 23
Former students of Wellington Girls’ College graduating from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Abigail A'Court (1996): DCPSYC - PGDip in Clinical Psychology
Afah Anas (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Aimee McPearson (2016): BA - Bachelor of Arts / LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Aimee Sanders (2010): PGDHTH - PGDip in Health
Alexandra Van Dam (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Alyssa Murphy (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Anastasia Ease (2018): BEHONS - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), Second Class Hons (Div1)
Anna O'Carroll-Nicholson (2016): LLB - Bachelor of Laws /BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Anna Tribe (2014): PHD - Doctor of Philosophy, Biomedical Science
Arabella Sampson (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Athena Alba (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Bethan Streatfield (2016): MA - Master of Arts, Passed with Distinction
Bethany Hawken (2016): BBMEDS - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bethany Molony (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science /DTCPR - GDip Teaching (Primary)
Bianca Hau (2016): MARCHP - Master of Architecture (Prof), Passed with Merit
Bindi Robertson: MCCSP - Master of Climate Chge Sci/Pol, Passed with Distinction
Briar Sheerin (2015): GDTCSC - GDip Teaching (Secondary)
Bronte Sheehan (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Caitlin Lowndes (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Caitlin Perks (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Caitlin Watters (2014): GDDI - GDip in Design Innovation
Calista Webster (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Camille Driscoll O'Keefe (2018): BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons, First Class Honours
Cara Hickey (1989): GDSCI - GDip in Science
Caroline Morris (2016): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Celia Painter (2015): MA - Master of Arts, Passed with Distinction
Chantal Gordon (2018): BBMEDS - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Charmaine Rees (1996): BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons, First Class Honours
Chau Pham (2010): MARCHP - Master of Architecture (Prof)
Chelsea Chin (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Chloe Crowe (2019): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Clare Botha: PGCPM - PGCert in Public Management
Collette Thaisen: LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Daisy Lutyens (2014): BAHONS - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, First Class Honours / MA - Master of Arts, Passed with Distinction
Dana Calvert (2019): BHLTH - Bachelor of Health
Dana Walker (2014): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Diana Chan-McCarthy (2016): MPP - Master of Public Policy, Passed with Merit
Eleana Hill (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Elizabeth de Boer (2017): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Elizabeth Swann (2012): GDTCPR - GDip Teaching (Primary)
Ella Schroder (2018): LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Emilie Robinson (2014): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Emillie Beamsley-Dick (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Emily Bulkley (2013): MUXD - Master of User Experience Desn, Passed with Distinction
Emma Drower (2014): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Emma Rush-Stubbs (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Eunice Sa'aga-Gucake (1984): MED - Master of Education, Passed with Merit
Fenella Straight (2017): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Frances Grice (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts / GCTES - GCert TESOL
Freya Robinson (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Gabriella D'Souza (2018): MFACP - Master of Fine Arts (CP), Passed with Merit
Gemma Williams (2018): BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons, First Class Honours
Georgia Stephen (2018): BBMEDS - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Grace Alexander (2007): GDDE - GDip in Designed Environments
Hanna Murphy (2016): MTCHLP - Master of TchLrn (Primary), Passed with Merit
Hannah Prior (2017): BSC - Bachelor of Science / BA - Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Robinson (2011): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Hannah Simmonds (2015): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Holly Williamson (2007): GDTCPR - GDip Teaching (Primary)
Isla Glover (2011): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Jade Weston-Webb (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Jemimah Long (2017): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Jemma Hall (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Jennifer Cox: GDSCI - GDip in Science
Jennifer Trevelyan (1991): MA - Master of Art, Passed with Distinction
Jessica Johnson (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Johanah Gloria (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Jordyn Mills (2008): GCLAW - GCert in Law
Kaitlyn Bell (2018): BAHONS - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, First Class Honours
Kajal Hurier (2014): GDTCSC - GDip Teaching (Secondary)
Kareena Bhana (2017): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Kate Appleton (2013): BAS - Bachelor of Arch Studies
Kate Piper (2018): BAHONS - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, First Class Honours
Kate Twomey (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Katherine West (2016): MARCHP - Master of Architecture (Prof), Passed with Merit
Kathleen Gerrard (1980): PHD - Doctor of Philosophy - Music
Katie Jones (2003): PHD - Doctor of Philosophy - Geology
Katie Leach (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Laura Durville: MHLTH - Master of Health, Passed with Distinction
Laura Walker (2016): GDTCPR - GDip Teaching (Primary)
Lauren Lancaster (2018): BMUSHO - Bachelor of Music with Honours, First Class Honours
Leah Thomas (2015): LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Lena Martorana (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Lillian Graham (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Lin Zhu (2016): MDDD - Master of Drug Disc & Dev
Logan Byrne (2013): MPOLS - Master of Political Science, Passed with Distinction
Lucy Jones (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Lynne Marland (2003): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Madison Chan (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Madison Juriss (2019): BDI - Bachelor of Design Innovation
Madison Naylor-Ford (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Magdalene Gleadow (2018): BEHONS - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), First Class Honours
Maisie Reweti-Gould (2016): BAHONS - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Second Class Hons (Div1)
Manuela Spies (2019): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Margarita Montes de Oca Walker (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science / BA - Bachelor of Arts
Maria Bethzayda Espiritu (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Maura Stewart (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
McKenzie Radovanovich (2015): PGCNS - PGCert in Nursing Science
Megan Davies (2018): BSC - Bachelor of Science / BA - Bachelor of Arts
Micaela Durrant (2014): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Micah Tungol (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Millicent Pierson (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Miria Te Pou (2014): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Molly Carr (2019): BBMEDS - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Molly Waddington (2017): MEDPSY - Master of Educational Psych, Passed with Distinction
Molly White (2016): PGDHP - PGDip in Health Psychology
Myah Kirtikar (2018): BDI - Bachelor of Design Innovation
Nancy Lewis (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Natasha Quill (2007): BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons, First Class Honours
Nicole Wilson (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts / BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Nisha Patel (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Olivia Gardenier (2018): PGDART - PGDip in Arts
Pauline Yim (2019): BSC - Bachelor of Science
Raeann Illana (2016): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Rebecca Foster (2018): BAHONS - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Second Class Hons (Div1)
Rebecca Taylor: BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons,First Class Honours
Rebekah Butterfield (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Reem Abdul Jabbar Arhaim (2007): GDTCPR - GDip Teaching (Primary)
Roisin Ruane (2017): BA - Bachelor of Arts / MSCSOC - Master of Science in Society
Ronan Speden (2018): MMHP - Master of Museum Heritage Prac, Passed with Distinction
Ruby Brandwood (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Sarah Cunningham (2018): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Sarah Frith (1994): PGDNS - PGDip in Nursing Science
Sarah Gard (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Sarah Neal (2019): BHLTH - Bachelor of Health
Sarah O'Connor (2016): MPA - Master of Prof Accounting
Sasha Matthews (2019): BAS - Bachelor of Arch Studies
Shaleena Ravji (2017): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce / BHLTH - Bachelor of Health
Shamar Masoe-James (2017): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Shiyinan Luo (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Shontelle Nahona (2016): MINDS - Master of Indigenous Studies, Passed with Distinction
Sophia Marshall (2019): BAS - Bachelor of Arch Studies
Sophie Colson (2017): LLBHON - Bachelor of Laws with Honours, First Class Honours
Sophie Farrow (2015): GDTCEC - GDip Teaching (EC)
Sophie Hensen (2018): MTCHLS - Master of TchLrn (Secondary), Passed with Merit
Tatenda Ruvando (2017): BSC - Bachelor of Science / LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Tessa Bruce (2016): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Tessa Conroy (2019): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce
Toni Turner (2016): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Tylah Sweet (2015): BSCHON - Bachelor of Science with Hons, First Class Honours
Uma Cheyne (2018): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Vihanga Weerasundara (2017): BA - Bachelor of Arts / LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Vivien Shaw (2016): MARCHP - Master of Architecture (Prof), Passed with Merit
Yanning Diao (2019): BA - Bachelor of Arts
Ziwen Hu (2016): BCOM - Bachelor of Commerce / LLB - Bachelor of Laws
Zoe Tims (2018): MPOLS - Master of Political Science, Passed with Distinction