Kathryn Richardson & Gail Ives — Dec 3, 2018

Did you know that drowning is the third highest cause of accidental deaths in New Zealand - after motor vehicle accidents and falls? Throughout 2018 all Year 9 Physical Education classes participated in three water safety lessons at Thorndon Pool.

Students learnt about safe entries, personal buoyancy, sculling and treading water, swimming with clothes, energy conservation and survival strokes, fitting a life jacket and bystander rope rescues. The PE department really hope that these lessons have been beneficial to all involved and hope that everyone takes care out there in, on and around the water this summer.

Year 9 Adventure Race
We managed to dodge the raindrops and hurricane gusts on Monday 19 November to get the whole race done!  It was EXTREMELY competitive with some amazing splits for each leg . The bluesies from CCS's class almost broke an orienteering record and the Soulja boys from Ms IVG's class did the same in the wheels leg.  Overall the times for all 8 teams were extremely fast and it was topped off by some creative entries into Wellington harbour afterwards!  Congratulations to all the students who gave it absolutely everything on the day.  They can be well proud of their achievements.   See attached photos .