Hero photograph
Photo by Wellington Girls' College

13 Tourism Helicopter trip

Mel Harvey —

Our tourism student had a very exciting helicopter trip to delve into the fascinating world of tourism.

On Monday the year 13 tourism class went on a trip down to Wellington Helicopters and got to experience a scenic flight over Wellington City. 

Image by: Wellington Girls' College

This trip enabled students to experience a luxury tourism activity and have a completely new outlook on the place they call home. 

Image by: Wellington Girls' College

Surprisingly, the winds did not hold us back, and once we were up in the air you had no idea the wind even existed. It was great hearing from the crew how the business model works and finding out that tourism makes up only 20% of their business. It has led to a lot of discussions back in class.

Image by: Wellington Girls' College

Ngā mihi,Mel Harvey