Many and varied awards will be presented at the Sports Awards for 2024.
Sports Awards and Lunch - Friday 18th October, 12.45pm to 2.15pm in Gym 1, WGC.
Invitees: Top senior teams for each sports code, Senior B netball, Social team of the Year and certain individual students. An invitee list will be sent out next term.
Sadly we only have room for sports teams to attend. Families will be able to watch the ceremony via a live stream. It will be recorded and be on the WGC website as well.
The following major sports awards are self nominated and we now call on students to submit their CVs, using this form. They are Sportsperson of the Year, Contribution to School Sport, Social Team of the Year, New Zealand Reps and Outstanding Effort in Other Codes not offered at WGC.
As well we will be awarding Sports Honours for girls who have played in a TOP SENIOR TEAM FOR THAT PARTICULAR SPORT, FOR AT LEAST 3 YEARS. Coaching Honours will be awarded to those student who have coached for 3 years.
Honours also must be applied for via this form. Please complete the form - https://forms.gle/REe3VEX9oBQxKUrE9 - and submit it by Sunday 30th August. Please bullet-point your answers ie be concise.
IMPORTANT - If you are applying for more than one award, a form will need to be completed for EACH one.
Any queries, please email me.
Carolyn Kirkpatrick
Sports Director