Hero photograph
Photo by Wellington Girls' College


Wellington Girls' College —

Parents and caregivers may contact the Wānanga Teacher or Dean at any time about their daughter’s progress – email is usually the most direct form of contact. Please be aware that:

  • The school website is the main point of information for parents, students and staff
  • Through the parent portal (you will be sent your user name and password at the start of your daughter’s first year) you can access the daily notices, attendance, progress updates, progress reports and results
  • Students are expected to access the next day’s notices on line – they will be taught how to do this
  • Reporting is ongoing through the parent portal; progress reports are available here twice a year and parent/teacher/student interviews are also held during the year. Parents book on line for these
  • A Yr 8 parent function is held in November and a Yr 9 online event is held in February for parents to meet wānanga teachers and core subject teachers
  • The Principal holds year level forums for randomly selected parents in the first half of the year to discuss the college. The reports from these events will be shared on the webite
  • Irregular surveys are emailed to find out specific information from parents or girls – in recent years these have asked about wellbeing, uniform, jewellery, communications and sport. This information helps inform debate at a whole school level
  • The school’s annual reports are available on the website
  • Weekly assemblies are held where the College community celebrates student successes and enjoys speakers, presentations and performances
  • The annual Prizegiving is held in late October or early November. All students are expected to attend and families are warmly invited. Prizegiving is held in the Michael Fowler Centre.