Photography Student Success
ArtStart: WGC Y13 Visual Art student Katie Morton has had three photographic works selected by a panel from ArtStart which looks to showcase student art.
Artstart is an exhibition of Pōneke's future creatives, giving them the audience, funds and confidence to kickstart a career in the arts. Katie's work will be exhibited for two weeks alongside works from local guest artists and she has framed and unframed work for sale online as well as an exhibition at the Wellington Chambers, 154 Featherston Street. Pop along and see the show which is on until 8 July.
Work is also for sale online as unframed prints.
"Mike's bone carvings show the art of making something beautiful out of something that has died, life carrying on after death. Tongaporutu is a very special place to me. It's a place I have been coming to since before I was even born. Many of my ancestors are buried here and it holds a very strong connection to me and my family. Since being interested in photography I have loved capturing the art of craftsmanship and being able to tell a story through photos."
The Art department looks forward to securing additional places for our students on this platform from Painting and Design. Congratulations, Katie.