Hero photograph

Te Haeata Awatea - Kapa Haka group

Tina Mihaere-Rees —

Te Haeata Awatea, the combined kapa haka group from Wellington Girls' College and Wellington College started the year off with our first practice and a whānau hui.

This year we have an event to work towards each term. In Term 1 we will be focused on participating in Ngā Hau E Wha Kapa Haka Festival on Friday 27 March. This non-competitive event celebrates kapa haka in our region and gives our students a rare opportunity to take the stage and perform in front of their whānau and peers. The festival is being held at Wellington College and schools from Wellington, Kāpiti Coast, Ōtaki and Te Awakairangi are invited to perform.

If your student is interested in participating in kapa haka this year they are welcome to attend practices in the WGC Hall on a Monday from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.  Please contact Whaea Tina for more information - email: tina.mihaererees@wgc.school.nz