Hero photograph
Photo by Wellington Girls' College

Kapa Haka

Whaearua Ross-Hotene —

Tuesday 20 February saw Te Haeata Awatea, WGC and WC’s combined kapa haka group, come together with students from all over the rohe (Te Whanganui-a-Tara ki Ōtaki) to learn a haka. The event at the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre is an annual gathering which gives students the opportunity to celebrate Kapa Haka and te ao Māori together. This year they learned a Taranaki haka called Mangumangu Taipo, which “speaks of standing proud and strong in your Māoritanga.”

Any students interested in joining Te Haeata Awatea should look for more information on Clubs day, which is coming up on 5 March. You can also email Whaearua Ross-Hotene or check out the Cultural information on our website if you have any questions.