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Wellington Girls' College

Laika Stafford, Hana Willocks, Madison Homewood and Jessica Cheals.  Back row; coaches Cara Homewood and Sophie Guerin


Sophie Guerin, Year 13 - September 22, 2022

Congratulations to the WGC Junior Premier team for winning the Grand Final of the Intercollegiate Junior Premier Debating Competition for the first time in 10 years, and only the third time ever since the competition began in 1974!

The team went up against Sacred Heart College.  The full-preparation motion was "that we should ban private companies from exploring space," our team was on the affirmative side. 

First speaker was Jessica Cheals (Year 10), second Madison Homewood (Year 10) and third Hana Willocks (Year 10).  Jessica also did the leader's reply.  Also in the team, but not doing this debate, was Laika Stafford (Year 9).   The team is co-coached by Cara Homewood and Sophie Guerin.  This is their third year coaching this team.  

The debate was judged by a panel of three judges and WGC won by a two to one split of the panel. 

Wellington Girls' College vs Sacred Heart College

Other results:

  • Junior Certificate 2 qualified for the quarter-finals
  • Senior Certificate 2 qualified for the quarter-finals
  • Senior Premier A qualified for the semi-finals, losing to Wellington College who went on to win in the Grand Final