Student Leadership & Participation

We value leadership and active participation in the life of the school. Our students have many opportunities to be involved in a diverse range of activities; active participation, support for the efforts of others, service to the school community and leadership are encouraged and acknowledged. A formal leadership programme runs at Year 13.

Executive Council

The Executive Council includes the Head Students, the student representative on the Board of Trustees if they are Year 13, and the head of each Leadership Committee.

Leadership Committees

Year 13 Leadership Committees are formed each year to represent interest areas within the College. Current committees are: Arts; Student Communication; Houses; Te Ranga Māreikura; Fala Pasifika; School Council; Sport & Recreation; Student Learning; Wellbeing; Heritage; Community and Tuākana. The role of the Leadership Committees is to oversee and coordinate student-led clubs and interest groups and to support fundraising efforts.


Prefect badges are awarded twice a year to Year 13 students who demonstrate outstanding academic effort, active participation in the life of the school, support for others, service, initiative and leadership.

Student Representative on Board of Trustees

Students in years 9-12 elect their representative for the Board of Trustees every September. This position is for one year and any student in years 9-12 can stand for election. The student representative is a full member of the Board with full voting rights.

School Council

The School Council is made up of voted class representatives. The Council meets once a week with the School Council Leadership Committee, and is chaired by the School Council Executive Prefect. Members of the School Council help organise special events and celebrations in the College, as well as providing a voice for students in curriculum and in the running of the school.

Clubs and Groups

There are numerous groups and clubs in the college, and over 100 sports teams. All students are encouraged to participate. Clubs and interest groups are a good starting point for students to demonstrate support for others, service to the school community and leadership.