Hero photograph
Photo by Donna Buchanan

From Donna's Desk...

Donna Buchanan —

Highlights from this week and Heads Ups for the weeks ahead.... a whole lot of learning, a fitting goodbye and a strategic weekend at Hanmer with the Board of Trustees.

I have had a pretty amazing week growing myself as a leader. I spent Monday and Tuesday in at the Ilex doing Dare to Lead training. It was a full on 2 days learning alongside people from all walks of life - not just teachers. At the heart of Daring Leadership is courage. To build courage in teams and organisation we must cultivate a a culture in which brave work, tough conversations and whole hearts are expectation and armor is not necessary or rewarded. The 4 skill sets of courage are

  • Rumbling with vulnerability
  • Living into our values
  • B.R.A.V.I.N.G trust
  • Learning to Rise

It was interesting and affirming to see that education is a few steps ahead of many corporates in terms of living the values we as an organisation professes to have. This whole 2 days has prepared me to head away to Hanmer this afternoon with the Board of Trustees for a strategic planning weekend. We will be reexamining our 'why' and how is this reflected in our values. Then bringing this understanding into the writing the playground design brief using the awesome ideas we gathered consulting you, the students and wider community. As well as this mahi the weekend also has the purpose of strengthening the workng relationship the BOT has with the Tumuaki team as Glenys, Bridget and Astrid are also attending

On Wednesday we had the opportunity to say a proper farewell to Whaea Trudy. It had almost been 4 terms since she was here but 28 years service as a Deputy Principal and Principal here at Addington deserved celebrating. Thank you to those parents who came along - Covid may have hampered attendance but it didn't stop sentiment and sincerity. Trudy was very touched by the music tributes and gifts. And our covid friendly devonshire teas in a box were tasty and well received too. Please see photos of the afternoon in one of this weeks articles.

And the learning just hasn't stopped for me. Yesterday I have media and legal training and today I attended 2 very inspiring zooms with the Kahukura cluster on Wellbeing - from a brain perspective and then a cultural one.

Image by: Donna Buchanan

Next week I am looking forward to getting back on site and welcoming the School for Young Writers on Tuesday. 12 Year 4-6 students will get to spend the day writing with an expert. And then on Thursday Whaea Alanna and Matua Tony will be accompanying the Robot Kidz to the Semi Finals in the EPro8 challenge.

Until then, my final thoughts go to our Muslim families and community who this week has showed such courage and strength in the face of such huge atrocities against mankind. May you find some peace this weekend knowing your voice has been heard.

Kia kaha, kia, maia, kia manawanui

Whaea Donna