Hero photograph
Photo by Donna Buchanan

From Donna's Desk...

Donna Buchanan —

Highlights from this week and Heads Ups for the weeks ahead....spending more time with the Year 6s, meeting with the Ministry, prepping for a working bee and its - show time!

Kia ora

This week I have had the pleasure of again working with the Year 6s as we finished our Sexuality Education programme together. I want to thank Kerry, Lemz, Kylie and Zoe for being there with me supporting these students with their new knowledge and understanding. Some of the evaluative feedback from yesterday indicated that even though some of the pictures we looked at were "gross" - yes their words, they were really amazed with the video that showed the stages of conception (embryo, foetus, baby). I look forward to spending more time with these students as they finish their last term here at Addington Te Kura Taumatua.

You will see in this newsletter that we are now closed for out of zone enrolments. Jo and I met with the Ministry this week after a big spike in new students at the end of last term and just last week - taking us today to 281 students - 19 off the anticipated roll cap here. They came with some amazing statistics for us too. The Board will be reviewing the number of out of zone students we may be able to accept in Term 1 of 2021. You might be interested to know that we can be as specific as necessary eg - only have 3 out of zone spaces in Y4 etc. What this does highlight is the need to know future new entrant enrolments so we can plan ahead. So yes watch this space. 

I hope you have marked on the calendar our Twilight Working Bee on Friday 6th November. It wont be a big night and many hands make light work as we get a bit of mahi done in the grounds while catching up with families and friends in what has been a messed up bit of  year as far as connecting has been concerned. The Friends of Addington are meeting on Tuesday after school to make sure the evening is organised to maximise time spent and that no one goes hungry.

And I can't wait to see Ti Tipuranga perform at the Kapahaka Festival on Thursday night. Already I am 'one proud mama'. When I think about how far we have come with the support of so many people this year - our teachers, tutors, board and whanau we all have some much to celebrate. Special thanks to Whaea Bridget, Whaea Sheryn, Whaea Ash and my theatre friend Jacky for all the work you have done in getting uniforms made and altered, head gear refreshed, and new sashes and performance poi ordered too. 

Today saw our Waonui team have their athletic sports day. Thank you to all the parents who came and supported our tamariki. These running, jumping and throwing events give students a wide opportunity to shine. We can't all be Usain Bolt but we might very well be a Valerie Adams. We move off the track and field to the pool next week. So a big reminder to everyone to bring their togs and towel in a swimming bag every day. And I look forward to coming down to the pool to see the future Sophie Pascoes and Danyon Loaders in action.

Remembering too that Monday is Labour Day so we have a long weekend ahead of us to enjoy. Stay safe, be kind and have fun together.

Ngā mihi


Image by: Donna Buchanan