AJHS — Aug 25, 2022

Over the past two weeks our annual AJHS Got Talent heats have been taking place, leading to the grand final in front of the whole school on Tuesday 23 August.

Guest judges were Kelly Channing (dance teacher and theatre performer), Eliette Roslin (musician and music educator from Eliette’s Music Academy, past pupil) and Cushla Shepherd (Principal at AJHS).

The variety of acts on display was impressive, and the entire event has been a great celebration of the many ways students in our school can share their skills and talents. The final results were as follows:

1st place:

AMAZE 2 (Kenzy Waters, Zac Saunders, Elliott Borland and Ria Nielsen) who rocked the audience with their original song “Lose It All” (Spotify Link: Lose It All)

2nd place:

Timmy Li with his breathtaking piano performance “Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon (彩云追月, Cǎi Yún Zhuī Yuè), composed by Wang Jianzhong 王建中

3rd place:

Lucy Singleton with her memorable rendition of “Pulled” from The Addams Family

The judges also gave a special mention to Earl Legasto for his brilliant singing of “The Rose Song” from Oliva Rodrigo.

Many thanks to Miss Sutton and the Arts student leaders for organising this event. It couldn’t happen without our incredible production crew, so thank you to Logan Jamieson, Elliott Borland, Zac Saunders, Isaac Melville and Luke Wotton. Mrs Saunders, who also helped to run this extraordinary event said,

“I am really proud of all the performers... and it's strange to think that the last time we had our AJHS Got Talent all our current Year 10s were in Year 8".

Congratulations to the winning students, and all the performers for the important part they played in making this special event come to life.

(article written by student: Robert Clarke)