AJHS Sports Update
AJHS - August 25, 2022
College Boys Basketball - AJHS Maroon Team
On Wednesday 10th August the AJHS Maroon College Basketball team played against Kristin in the Junior Boys League 1B final. The boys had a sensational game taking the win with a 63-46 score line. A huge thanks to Mr Wild for coaching, and to Nigel Chan who has managed our boys basketball teams for the past 4 years.
Orienteering Auckland Rogaine Championships
On Tuesday 9th August we had 4 students represent AJHS in the College Sport Auckland Orienteering Rogaine Championships. A special mention to our individual competitors Alexander and Cameron who placed 1st and 3rd respectively in their Year 7/8 age group category. Also well done to first time orienteers Emily and Isabel for a great effort in their two person team.
North Harbour Intermediate Cross Country Zone Day 2022
On Wednesday 10th August we took a team of Year 7 and 8’s to the North Harbour Intermediate Cross Country Zone Day at Sanders Reserve, Paremoremo. The course is very challenging, so well done to all of our students that took part. A special congratulations to Emily Glasson who finished 7th in the Year 7 girls, and to Sienna Wilson who finished 11th in the Year 8 girls.
Year 9 and 10 Hockey
Last week the Harbour College Hockey season came to an end.
It has been a challenging year returning to play for many of our college teams, with lower player numbers and sickness contributing to some weeks where teams are scrambling for players. But it has been fantastic to have the teams back out on the turf and playing a full season. Our college boys team (combined with some Hobsonville players) finished in 3rd position in G4A, and our girls team finished in 3rd position in the G5A competition, where it was very tight for the top 3 places.
A very big thank you to Sandy Bennett for coaching our boys team for the 4th year in a row, and to Natalie Goslin and Jo Ramsay for coaching and managing the girls team again this year. Also a special mention to Angela Simmons who has spent a lot of the season umpiring for our boys team.
Year 7 and 8 Hockey
On Tuesday evening the Year 7 and 8 hockey competition came to its conclusion.
We have had 4 teams playing in the new 7-a-side competition in 2022. While teams have battled with playing numbers some weeks due to sickness, we are just so happy to have been able to play in an uninterrupted season.
Final results for year 7 and 8 hockey:
AJHS Maroon - 1st place Boys Silver section
AJHS Silver - 2nd place Boys Gold section
AJHS Blue - 6th place Boys Silver section
AJHS White - 3rd place Girls Silver section
Congratulations to all of our players. We hope that you enjoyed the season and will be back again next year. A special thank you to our coaches and managers - Andrea Hoareau, Fiona Schwamm, Jeremy Carroll, Josh Nightingale, Jemma Matthewson, Janine Stanley, Tania Searle, Charlotte Searle and Haena Govindj.
Year 7 Netball 2022
Our Year 7 netball season came to its conclusion on Tuesday night with finals night for all of our teams. We have had six Year 7 teams playing in the Tuesday competition, with 59 Year 7 students involved. It has been fantastic to see all of our new netballers develop new skills and make new friends. We can’t wait to see you all back for our Year 8 trials early in Term 1 2023.
Final results for Year 7 Netball: There was a total of 96 teams playing in the Year 7 Netball North Harbour Competition in 2022.
AJHS 7/1 - 8th place AJHS 7/2 - 22nd place AJHS 7/3 - 56th place
AJHS 7/4 - 60th place AJHS 7/5 - 70th place AJHS 7/6 - 76th place
Congratulations to all of our teams, and thank you to our coaches and managers - Alex Wansink, Amy Armstrong, Jo Monkton, Jackie Cowie, Alastair McCabe, Adele Lusher, Georgie Farrington, Vai Sanjee, Jade Fairey Foster, Kate Baird, Priscilla Lysaght, Reanna Dugmore, Sharleya Shead and Emma Heagerty. Thank you also to our umpires Rebecca, Abby and Evelyn.
AJHS Year 7 and 8 Totara Springs Sports Camp 2022
On Monday 8th August our team of 38 students and 5 adults set out to Totara Springs in Matamata for the week-long Year 7 and 8 Sports Camp. The team had some fantastic results across the week, including 1st in bowls and runners up in the team triathlon, girls tag, darts, boys indoor soccer, cross country, shooting and sportsmanship. A highlight of the week would have to be the team's cheer piece performed on Thursday night in front of the whole camp. Check out the youtube video here. A huge congratulations to everyone involved, we look forward to another two sports camps next year.
Jazmyn Tagg - Taekwondo
Congratulations to year 9 student Jazmyn Tagg on her recent success in Taekwondo. Jazmyn recently fought in the National Taekwondo Championship on August 6. She fought in the Female Black Belt 58-68kg cadet category (12-14yrs of age) where she won silver. Well done Jazmyn, that’s an awesome achievement.
Xuanxuan Zhang - Rhythmic Gymnastics
Congratulations to Xuanxuan Zhang on her recent performance in the Counties Manukau Junior Rhythmic Invitational Competition. Xuanxuan was competing at Level 4 rhythmic gymnastics and finished 1st overall (rope, ball, freehand) with individual placings of 1st in rope and 3rd in the ball routine.
We love to hear about and share the successes of our students involved in sport outside of school, so please do send through results, photos and videos of students in action.
These can be sent to sport@ajhs.school.nz
Netball Spring League: Year 7-10
In Term 4, Netball North Harbour runs 6 weeks of spring league netball. A more social version of the game, spring league is played on a Wednesday night at Netball North Harbour.
Softball: Year 7 and 8
We are now starting registration for the Intermediate Fastball45 and Slowpitch45 – 9 a-side weekly softball competitions in Term 4. Games are played on a Wednesday after school, just around the corner at Rosedale Park.
Touch Rugby: Year 7-10
We are also starting registration for the touch rugby weekly competitions in Term 4.
Year 9&10s will play on Tuesday afternoons and Year 7&8s on Thursdays. Venues are TBC. Trials dates are as follows.
Year 7&8 Touch Rugby Trials: Thursday 15th September 2022 at lunch time
Year 9&10 Touch Rugby Trials: Monday 19th September 2022 at lunch time
Touch Rugby Year 7 and 8 Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9g1StdjIvIQTfUWyJ19qNysCJ1KSQfxFCSh4RzgTqdrytOg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Touch Rugby Year 9 and 10 Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9g1StdjIvIQTfUWyJ19qNysCJ1KSQfxFCSh4RzgTqdrytOg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Volleyball: Year 9 and 10
Year 9 and 10 volleyball registrations close at 5pm on Wednesday 24th August. This is for anyone interested in playing volleyball for AJHS in the Junior College Competitions. Trials are being held on Tuesday 30th of August from 3.30pm to 5pm in the gym. Only students that have registered and paid will be able to trial.
Volleyball Club: Year 7 and 8
All year 7 and 8 students interested in giving volleyball ago and/or wanting to represent the school in the indoor and beach volleyball zone days, are invited to register for the Year 7 and 8 volleyball club. The club will be held on Tuesday mornings (7.30am to 8.30am) in the AJHS gym, starting on Tuesday 30th August. All students wanting to attend the club must be registered.
Tennis: Year 8 - 10
We are now starting registration for the College Sport North Harbour Tennis competition. Games are played on a Monday night across various North Shore School venues. Please note, this is a college competition - we do allow Year 8s to play, but they will be competing in an U14 age group.
Make sure you follow us on Facebook: AJHSSPORT and instagram ajhs_sport.
It is important that students check the daily notices regularly for upcoming sports events.
If you have any enquiries regarding sport at AJHS please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Jo Monkton - Sports Coordinator
Email: jo.monkton@ajhs.school.nz
Phone: 09 415 5473 extn: 605
Mobile: 021 554 035
Alex Wansink - Assistant Sports Coordinator
Email: alex.wansink@ajhs.school.nz
Phone: 09 415 5473 extn: 605
Nicola Kaiwai - Director of Sport and Head of PE and Health
Email: nicola.kaiwai@ajhs.school.nz
Phone: 09 415 5473 extn: 602