Hero photograph
Photo by ASHS

Impact Project Showcase @ ASHS


Semester one of Impact Projects finished on Wednesday, and what better way to showcase all the amazing projects than a school-wide celebration.

This week, students presented the projects to the community, including some visitors from AJHS. These projects ran the gamut, from music and dance performances to volunteering; from handmade plant hangers to hand-carved porotiti; from keychains made from recycled bottle caps to sculptures made from recycled books.

Through these projects, students learn things they may not have the chance to learn in the classroom. They engaged with the community and the world around them. Ākonga (students) worked with their teachers and mentors, as well as experts out in the community, but they are ultimately the ones who choose what to work on, and what success looks like for them.

Some students, like those in the “Craft for a Cause” hub, spent their time doing crochet and knitting to make items to donate to Plunket; while those in the “E-Velocity” built, repaired, and refurbished e-bikes and other electric vehicles; and over in the “Citizens of Aotearoa” hub, ākonga got to know their culture and explored what being a citizen of Aotearoa means to each of them.

Whether working with community organisations to volunteer through the “Volunteering for a Purpose” hub, or starting their own small business through “Start Up and Care”, students all got a chance to display what they’ve learned, and the work they’ve done. Some of these projects will continue, with the likes of the Renaissance Fair that our “Worlds we Love” Hub is organising for 9th June.