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Sports Registrations (Term 4) - Softball & Touch Rugby

AJHS - August 24, 2023

Year 7 and 8 Softball

Games are played on Thursdays after school for seven weeks in Term 4, starting Thursday 26th October at Rosedale Park. Teams will also train with a Harbour Softball Coach once a week also at Rosedale Park. Registration and payment is due on Friday 15th September 2023.

The registration link and all further details can be found here.

Intermediate Touch Rugby

Games are played on Thursdays after school for seven weeks in Term 4, starting Thursday 26th October. Teams will also train once a week before or after school, dates and times of these trainings are dependent on the coach. The venue for games is yet to be confirmed, but is likely to be either Becroft or Sunnynook Park. There will be a trial for these teams on Thursday 14th September 2023.

Registration and payment is due one week prior to trials on Thursday 7th September 2023. The registration link and all further details can be found here.