Hero photograph
Photo by AJHS

Food Donation Collection for less fortunate AJHS families


Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to our food packages. A number of AJHS families have been very grateful. 

We have almost run out of stock, so if you are in a position to do so, please send your students to school with a food donation item for less fortunate families. They can drop the items at Student Desk next week. 

Please make sure they are non perishable items, such as soups, dried pasta, tinned fruit, cereals, muesli bars, pasta sauces, biscuits, crackers, tuna tins etc (please hold off on baked beans and tinned spaghetti - we still have a lot left). 

Hungry students cannot make the most of all the opportunities available to them, so this is one more step in the right direction to engage our precious youth and their families. Thank you for your kindness.