Flu Season and Whooping Cough

Unfortunately there are a number of illnesses being spread around school currently, ranging from coughs, colds and flu to sore throats, headaches and stomach bugs.

Viruses are infectious at the earliest onset of any symptoms until the carrier is symptom-free. They are most commonly spread through close contact and being in contact with infected hard surfaces. On top of this, COVID is now presenting itself in new sneaky ways - potentially being any symptom.

Please protect yourself, your family and your community if you become unwell by staying at home until symptoms pass, doing regular RAT (including throat swab if you have those symptoms), taking regular pain relief and resting, giving yourself a chance to recuperate. 

The minute you feel unwell, whether at work, home or out and about, please wear a mask to lessen the chances of spreading these viruses. There are masks in reception at school and always outside the health room if students need one. Please also consider asking your tamariki to wear a mask if they are well but someone in the household is unwell, as family members may be infectious but not showing symptoms yet.

Students who present as being unwell at school may be sent home after nurse assessment. This is so the affected student can rest, recover and reduce transmission within the school community.

We are educating our students about this also if they are unwell, so if you can please reinforce the message at home we’d appreciate it.

See some helpful links below.

Whooping Cough

You may have seen on the news that whooping cough (pertussis) is doing the rounds and putting many age groups at risk, especially those who are immuno-compromised or have respiratory issues. If you would like information about whooping cough please contact Healthline on 0800 611116 for advice or visit this link