Europe Trip 2025

We are very excited to be offering our current Year 8 and 9 students (who will be Year 9 & 10 in 2025), the incredible opportunity to visit Europe. Over a two week period, students will visit the UK and Paris, which is heavily tied into the history, arts, drama and cultural curriculum. For more information and the itinerary please click here.

The cost of the trip will need to be funded by parents. The school will assist with fundraising activities and grant funding applications to help reduce costs.

The cost is estimated to be around $9,000 - $10,500. The more students that travel (this price is based on 20 students travelling), the less the cost will be.

To express your interest (and if you have any questions), please email

Registrations for the trip close next week on Wednesday 15th May.

We look forward to providing students and families with the opportunity to experience this once in a lifetime adventure.