Tēnā koe, Talofa Lava, Mālō e lelei, Sanibonani, parents, caregivers, whānau and students,

I am filled with immense gratitude and profound appreciation for each and every one of you. I am so deeply proud to be your tumuaki, your principal, your Wonder Woman.

Your unwavering understanding, support, and partnership throughout this school year has been truly appreciated. Thank you to our students, teachers, support staff, whanau, Whanau ki te Ako (our contributing school principals) and those who support us. Special notes of gratitude also go to Sue Smith and Claire Amos who lead our Community of Learning, and to our newly formed PTA, who are passionately committed to our fundraising journey and parent/caregiver presence at AJHS.

This week we have celebrated so many incredible students, our precious tamariki. Thank you to all our Whanau Dean leadership teams, our curriculum leaders, support staff, production and property teams, and all our student leaders for your tireless mahi this week. Your commitment and hard work ensured our students could celebrate who they are and all that they have accomplished during 2023.

Our school community is flourishing with shared aspirations for our tamariki’s education and life pathways. Your trust in our kaiako, our teachers, and leadership to navigate school life has been evident, and we are deeply grateful for your confidence in us.

This year the spirit of success in our academic journey has been in deepening relationships. In the vibrant culture and philosophy of our junior high school model, relationships are the joy that weaves us together; forming those connections of care and mutual understanding to nurture an environment where confidence, growth and learning prosper.

When we connect with our students, staff and parents from the heart, we're not just teaching, learning and striving —we're reaching into something far richer. We are connecting to their world, their stories, their culture, their voice; understanding their dreams, fears, and aspirations. We need to continue to get to know each other, as the stories of our school whanau will continue to create the legacy of us as individuals, but also as a school. School needs to be a safe space where everyone is seen, heard, and valued for who they are as a person, a learner, a teacher, and a leader.

As we reflect on the accomplishments and milestones of this school year, I want to acknowledge that these achievements are not just ours as a kura, a school, but ours collectively as a community. It's the result of the synergy between home and school, driven by our shared commitment to nurturing the potential within each and every child. It's a result of you, our parents and caregivers. I would especially like to thank you for your open lines of communication this year. The community voice of feedback, insights, and suggestions have been instrumental in our continuous efforts to improve our educational approach to best serve the needs of our students. The partnership between home and school has been a significant element in shaping the educational journey of our students.

So, let's continue this journey together, creating an environment where genuine connections are nurtured, where learning is an adventure, and where relationships are the cornerstone of who we are as a community, a whanau.

Thank you for being partners in this incredible journey. Your support is not just appreciated, it's the heart of what makes our educational community thrive.

Let's keep connecting, relating, and inspiring one another to grow the heart of your child, their spirit for learning, and for their journey through adolescence - He tangata, he tangata, he tangata, It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.

All the best to our Year 10’s moving into the next phase of their learning journey - we will watch your progress with interest. I wish those returning to AJHS a wonderful summer; stay safe, take time to enjoy yourselves and see you in 2024 for a very exciting school year.

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. My aroha to you all.

Take care,

Cushla Shepherd, Principal/Tumuaki

Albany Junior High School