Reception Amberley — Mar 4, 2018

Maungatere - Term 1 Week 4

Certificates for Calm Focused Learning - Olivia F, Indeea and Louka M

Certificate for resilience and determination - Loui 

Piwakawaka homeroom received a class award for welcoming Mrs Roxburgh and working hard for her while Mrs Dean was sick and away for three days. They all demonstrated the school PRIDE values. Ka pai!


Selwyn : Selwyn each day you are building a positive attitude to your learning. You have shown an outstanding responsibility in the hub. Thank you for all your efforts and keep up the great work!  You are a valued member in Te Ngahere.

Sophie: Sophie you show determination in all your learning and from this you will experience success and growth to take risks. I enjoy your creative mind and appreciate you sharing you ideas with others. You are a valued member in Te Ngahere.


Ray: For effort you are putting into your Writing. Congrats on becoming a more calm and focused learner.

Torbyn: For effort you are putting into your Maths. Congrats on becoming a more calm and focused learner.

Peaches: For the PRIDE you are displaying in all of your learning. You are becoming a leader in Kereru

Maisie: For the PRIDE you are displaying in all of your learning. You are becoming a leader in Kereru

Week 5


Greta has settled really well into a bigger learning space this year. She is a delight to teach as she has a great attitude, she listens, she stays focused, and she always does her best. Well done Greta!

Fletcher always shows our values and he is a great role model in our hub. He remains focused at guided reading time, always reading with fluency and understanding. Well done Fletcher!

Ruby for doing her personal best and staying calm and focused while working on her art masterpiece. We all look forward to seeing it when she gets it finished. Well done Ruby!


Lucy- Lucy you are such a pleasure to teach and show an outstanding empathy to others. You are valued member in the Te Ngahere hub showing leadership and responsibility. Thank you for all your efforts.

William-William you demonstrate integrity in everything you do and it has been great to see you take on more responsibility in the hub. I like how you are developing a positive attitude towards your learning. Well done!

Aidan-Aidan you are a hardworking student in Te Ngahere and I like how you demonstrate perseverance and always give your very best efforts. Thank you for taking on extra responsibility to ensure our learning space is tidy. Well done!


Logan: For showing Self Management by being organised for your learning and making good choices about where to learn.

Ruby: For showing Self Management by being organised for your learning and making good choices about where to learn.