Walk the Hurunui Family Violence - Its Not Okay Campaign.
Walk the Hurunui Family Violence – Its Not Okay Campaign'.
We have planted a flax at each school in the Hurunui because we want everyone in the Hurunui to be safe and kind to each other.
The flax in Maori Culture represents the family . A close family should be a safe place where people look after each other. The leaves of the flax are close to each other like we want families to be.
The children are the middle leaves - the parents are the next leaves- the outside leaves are the grandparents uncle & aunties.
We are running and walking between schools to say -look after each other. Don't say mean things . Don't be bullies and if anyone is looking sad its ok to ask them if they are okay
Its good to care about each other and to help each other.
Its Never Okay To bully - to do and to say mean things.
This Family Violence Campaign is happening all over New Zealand and we are just starting it in the Hurunui.
Kia Kaha
From Together Hurunui
(A team of Hurunui Organizations , Hurunui District Council, MSD & Social Agencies