Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Green

Leading with PRIDE

Simon Green —

Our student leaders were elected this week - what great role models we have!

Head Students

Congratulations to our student leadership team for 2018.

Head Girl = Phoebe 
Head Boy = Jonty
Deputy Head Girl = Grace
Deputy Head Boy = Harvey

An amazing team of young people who show our PRIDE values every day. Over the next week or so, our Student Council will form. Great to see so many children keen to help out with a leadership role.


You may have heard that with the change of Government, compulsory reporting against National Standards has been dropped. Amberley School strongly believes in reporting the progress and achievement of the whole child, and our reporting in 2018 will reflect this. There will be some changes this year, and you will see reporting and goal setting happen at the end of Term 1 and Term 3. This way, you can support the key goals for your child through the following term. Interviews will be aligned to support this too. Watch this space!

Property Update

Although it might be hard to spot from the outside, there is a lot happening in our main classroom block. In the picture below you can get a sense of how big our new Arahura hall space is going to be. The steel portals have been installed creating a lovely big area the size of three classrooms. Pretty soon the roof will be replaced and then the internal refurbishing work can begin. 

You might have noticed lots of dangling wires, or new speakers installed around the rest of the school. Our fire and security system is getting a much-needed upgrade. Every room has a speaker, and all buildings will be connected to a centralised PA system. Currently they are all operating independently, which makes fire drills a challenge! Our classic 'bell' class change sound will become a thing of the past and we will be able to play music to indicate that it's time to return to class. Fortunately Mr Green is a big fan of 80s power ballads...


Massive thank you to the local branch of our Cancer Society for providing sun hats for all New Entrants. Check out the picture below of two of our newest students modelling the wide-brimmed hats.

Calm, Focused Learning

Have you talked to your child about what this means? Every class has this as their goal and it's great to see how settled our learning spaces are. Remember you are always welcome to pop into your child's classroom and chat with their teacher. It was great to see lots of parents come to our information evening recently, and you are always welcome to ask questions about the class programme and your child's learning.
