Hero photograph
Photo by Katrina Houston

Phrases that personify...

Katrina Houston —

Tupoupou have had a brief lesson on personification and came up with these great sentences.

The high pitched whine of the wind whispered in my ear. Emily

The ball flew into the stadium as if it had wings. Sylvia

The freight shaker rumbled as I let the clutch out. Liam

The car spit fire out of the exhaust. Charlie

The music spun through the air like a dancer. Violet

The leaf danced in the night sky. Lucy

The snowflake pranced in the frosty morning air. Naveve

The motorbike demanded to be ridden. Sam

The basketball was calling my name. Fin

The lamb’s baa sounded like a laugh. Richie

The ball shouted when it hit the floor. Anty

The red traffic light glared at me. Ben

The shining moon stared down at us. William

The dog barked like it was laughing. Isaac

The butterfly danced into the sky. Ruby

The fence protested to be built. Frankie

The hyena's laugh sounded like it was growling. Keiara

The ocean waved happily as it crashed onto the shore. Peaches

The trees stood tall as the wind roared wildly. Tiaho

The trees moved side to side as the wind blew. Kyla