Room 5 awards for week 4 & week 5

Reception Amberley —

Room 5 Awards

The following children received awards in assembly:

Week 4:

Hannah for thoughtfully planning and producing an excellent self-portrait full of delicate details.

Theo  for always taking P.R.I.D.E in the presentation of all work and for constantly taking a proactive approach towards your learning.

Billy for creating a unique and creative fantasy ending to our classroom story. You have quite the imagination!

Week 5:

Oliver for always trying your best at swimming. You should be proud of yourself and all the new techniques you have learnt.

Bella for consistently trying your best in reading and writing. You have a wonderful imagination and a fantastic attitude toward learning.

Tekaia for always showing Amberley School P.R.I.D.E values. You are a fantastic role model to your classroom friends.