Reception Amberley — May 4, 2017

Nominate us at the following businesses and they will help our school with cash back to the school Nominate Amberley School at - Fuel for Schools / Balcairn Stockfoods / The Warehouse, Warehouse Stationery & Office Max / or have an old cell phone - bring it in to the office

FUEL FOR SCHOOLS - Thank you to the following people for nominating us at Fuel for Schools: Douglas Farm Contracting Ltd, Douglas Cox Limited, KW & PW Stackhouse, Combined Freightlines (2006) Ltd, Pounawea Partnership, KD Vallance (2015) Ltd.  If you would like more information about this programme or to nominate a school visit or phone: 0800 484 3543.

OFFICE MAX -    To reward your school simply mention the school name when shopping in store, or visit and select your school when you buy your back to school or select your school or home office supplies.  In 2019 we received $567.64 - thank you to everyone that nominated us.

WAREHOUSE STATIONERY - If your shopping at Warehouse Stationery nominate your school at the till. 5% of everything you purchase will go to your school. It's that easy. Thank you for your help.                

THE WAREHOUSE & SCHOOLTEX -  If you 'nominate' Amberley School at the checkout they will donate a portion of your purchase back to our school. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.You can now order online

Swapkit Mobile Phone Appeal - Bring your old mobile phone into school ..... HELP SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE COASTLINES MOBILE PHONE APPEAL IN OUR SCHOOL - It would be great if you could rummage around in your drawers and toy boxes and bring into School any unwanted mobile phones you may have. Phones collected help our School gain valuable rewards and the environment benefits too by keeping our landfills free of mobile phones and their array of hazardous toxic substances. Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box in the reception area at School.

BALCAIRN STOCKFOODS - Kevin from Balcairn Stockfoods is supporting the Enviro team for us to supply food to our chickens. With our school and local community purchasing through Balcairn Stockfoods and mention you are from Amberley School. At the end of each term Kevin will give 5% back to us to purchase food for our chooks. We appreciate your support Kevin.