Heather Pearson — Jun 1, 2016

The Maungatere students and the Prep-School have a shared worm farm!

Local community members, Mr. and Mrs. Johns, have donated a worm farm to Amberley School and it will be shared between the most junior classes and the prep-school. The rest of Amberley School is using a large worm farm already, however this will start composting education at an earlier age. Younger children will learn to feed and care for these worms.  They will also learn how important it is to keep food scrapes out of rubbish dumps.

Both Amberley School and Prep-school children are excited about having something else to bring them closer together. They are hoping to build some larger shared gardens nearer the Maungatere classrooms so that the pre-school children feel even more comfortable in the school environment. 

These shared gardens will be a communal space for all of the small children to learn about our community environment.

Next week, some children from the Maungatere Hub will be visiting Prep-school to learn more about the worms.

These pictures show our new worm bin near the Prep-school as well as some writing about worms from the Maungatere Hub.