by Trina Shepherd

Seedling collection for a PRIDE time Activity in Te Ngahere by Amberley Beach

Thank you to Matt and Suzi who organised an activity as part of our Enviroschool goals, as well as teaching us something new and learning together.  We were supported by Bev and Pam from Coast Care who are part of a reestablished group in Amberley. Matt is our Enviroschools Coordinator from Environmental Canterbury. 

There was so much to learn and even though we only had a short time in the forest, it was a great experience. We even had a visit from the most spectacular fantail. It was just stunning and was really showing off in front of us. 

Matt began our process with starting off the lesson by reading us a beautiful book about pigeons (Kereru) - this is where the journey began. The students enjoyed collecting the seeds and putting them in the paper bags supplied by Matt. 

Now we have some seedlings from harakeke, pittosporium and cabbage trees. Our next step is to plant the seedlings and nurture them and watch these grow and of course water them every couple of days. Matt has supported us with the planting trays and other pieces of equipment too. We will then of course be able to give back to our environment with new plantings. Some will take lots of time to grow. It would be really cool to ask your child about this experience if they came along. 

We had a group of 25 children who were engaged with this learning. Thank you to the kindness of all the following who supported with transport - Lisa, Rose, Peter (who drove the community van), Mrs Grigg, Whaea Suzi and Mrs S (thanks for the vehicle Mr G).