by Nicky Lotz

Play Based Learning

“Play is a primary, indeed a primal, way that we learn to understand and experience the world around us.”

I read an article this weekend from the UK - In London families are being fined (over $1000) for children climbing trees!  The culture there is fast turning into one of control and safe guard - stripping children of creativity and freedom and FUN. I feel so blessed to be living in a country where our children can behave like children, experience mud and dirt, climb trees, fall out and do it all over again tomorrow! 

Later this term Mrs Ward & I are attending a workshop which will guide us further into Play Based Learning, supporting our interest and furthering our knowledge, so that we are able to engage and explore more areas of PBL with your children. We are both enjoying watching our students develop their oral language,  key competencies and problem solving skills through play. There is so much more to this than toys and games and we want to share our journey with you. Please feel welcome to come and visit us in Maungatere Hub. We are happy to answer your questions and share our fun environment with you!