by Sharon Heeman

Seesaw - Online Portfolio

 Seesaw! Is our awesome online learning portfolio. If you haven't joined, I really recommend you do. This is such an amazing online tool between home and school to share your child's learning. We are mastering taking a photo of our work, recording our voice or typing a message to explain what our learning is about. 

Our focus this week has been on cooperative group work , learning about fair play, sharing, teaching each other, bouncing ideas, co-constructing and communicating our next steps to achieve the end result.

After swimming most days we get to play a game under tree called thumbs up, heads down. If your thumb is touched by the tagger you then get to guess who it may be. If correct then you swap places.

Lego table! How lucky are we to have the most amazing lego table in our hub. Many creations are being made, and we have lego challenge cards that enable us to create other objects.