by Katrina Shepherd

Hats and wearing a sunsmart hat in term 4 is a MUST in our kura.

Amberley School is a SUNSMART school and we all need to be wearing our hats in term 4. Take a moment to find your hat and bring along on day 1 of Term 4. Lots of children will already have one that may need a dust off from term 1 and to be brought back to school. A navy blue bucket hat or navy blue rimmed hat is what is needed. Caps are NOT recognised as a sunsmart hat (not enough coverage). The Warehouse and Postie Plus have these hats in stock. If our students are not wearing a hat; there is one designated shade area where they will need to go. Thank you in advance for supporting your child wearing a hat. 

Forest - Te Ngahere Hub by Reception Amberley

Maungatere & Te Ngahere Pride Awards

Term 3, Week 10


Ryker this certificate is for you, celebrating all the changes you have made at school. We are all proud of you and want to wish you well at your new school.

Happy adventures my wee friend.

Rory - This certificate is for the PRIDE you showed when you were the teacher during our homeroom time yesterday morning. I enjoyed being your P.A. for my birthday. You had so much confidence and remembered our morning routine well. You did a great job Rory! I was proud of you!

Vinnie - This certificate is for the PRIDE you showed when you picked up all the sponges yesterday afternoon. I was impressed with how you followed my instructions quickly and didn’t give up until they were all picked up and put in the sink. It was a messy job but you did it anyway. Thank you for being kind and helpful. Keep it up Vinnie!


Dillan - Your determination shows through in all you do Dillan. I am proud of the effort that you put into all your learning and your can-do attitude is appreciated by all your teachers.

Nicholas - Your helpfulness and kindness never goes unnoticed Nicholas. You are a great friend to your peers and have amazing manners. Keep up the great respect you have.