by A Douglas

Diving Giraffes

Mokomoko writer's have been concentrating on writing adventurous stories that captivate their imaginations.

The white lights slowly turn on. Brown and white giraffes come out of their pens. One curious giraffe looks at a hidden white camera. Soon they all stop and one of the amazing acrobatic giraffes looks in front of her and spots another giraffe hanging upside down on a gray trapeze swing. Suddenly one of the other giraffes started to run. It held its head high and connected necks with the other giraffe and did lots of flips. Every giraffe did the same and dived into the pool. They all hopped out of the pool and spread their legs wide and drank from the pool. Soon they all stretched their long necks and moved into a long tunnel. After a long time of walking they saw an amazing waterfall in front of all the brown spotted giraffes. There was a walkway at the end of the waterfall and a sign saying, 'Giraffe Hotel'.

By Emily

Slowly the brown and yellow spotted giraffes walked onto the gray path. They all stopped, looked up and ran as fast as they could, jumped and swung on a thin yellow giraffes neck. They did tricks and loudly splashed in the pool. They all slowly swam to the shallow part of the pool to get out. They all stretched their long necks and drank from the deep, blue pool. When they finished they quickly walked in a curly line to a zoo to meet their friends like the roaring lions, black and white zebras and the monkeys. After they met some of their friends they split up. The giraffes went to the dolphins, stretched their necks high in the sky and then back into the water with a big splash!

By Rusi