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Amesbury School

by Demelza Topp

Upcoming Art Trip

Demelza Topp - March 20, 2021

As part of our focus on visual art in Terms 1 & 2, all hubs will have the opportunity to view artworks as well as engage in workshops at Te Papa, City Gallery Wellington/Te Whare Toi and The New Zealand Portrait Gallery.

As part of our focus on visual art this term, students have been exploring how you communicate a message through three different mediums - pointillism, pop art and collage. This module has included specific teaching of techniques and materials that are used in each medium. In order to broaden their knowledge of art mediums and how artists use these different mediums to communicate a message, students will be heading into the city in either Week 10 or Week 11 for an art trip.

In order to keep group sizes to around 25 students, each team will be split in half and will go on two separate days - Groups 1 & 2 one day and Groups 3 & 4 another day.

Koru - Friday 9 April and Thursday 15 April

Harakeke - Friday 9 April and Thursday 15 April

Pōhutukawa - Monday 12 April and Tuesday 13 April

To help with the cost of the trip, parents are welcome to pay a contribution of $6.50. This will cover the cost of the bus and the workshops. This can be paid through the online shop by clicking on 'Art Trip'. Please note that this contribution is optional.

All students will need to wear their school uniform, including school fleece, for the trip. As it is a summer term, all students must have their school hat with them. Please also send them with a warm raincoat as the weather in Wellington is unpredictable. Students will need a well-stocked lunch box, as trip days tend to make children very hungry, and they must have a water bottle. Please do not order lunch for your child for the day they are on trip as we will not be at school at lunchtime.

For safety purposes, we do require whānau support for this trip to go ahead. Please click on the links below for more information about the trip.


