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Amesbury School

by Jenny King

Share & Celebrate Week 2 Term 2

Urs Cunningham - May 9, 2024

Every fortnight we have a whole school Share and Celebrate in the hall to celebrate some of the fabulous things that have been happening in the past two weeks. Read on to find out the fabulous things that were shared.

Our Share & Celebrate events began this year as a time for to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga who they have noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. Parents can also let kaiako know of anything fab that their child has done outside of school, and this can also be shared.

Here are the ākonga who were celebrated with a shout out this week:

- All of the place getters in our school cross country on Tuesday:

Year 1 girls: 1st = Maeve, 2nd = Evelyn, 3rd = Aiaya

Year 1 boys: 1st = Izzy, 2nd = Sid, 3rd = Luke L

Year 2 girls: 1st = Talia, 2nd = Kiera T, 3rd = Mickey

Year 2 boys: 1st = Leo, 2nd = Ryker, 3rd = Aarin

Year 3 girls: 1st = Bailey, 2nd = Aimee, 3rd = Siena

Year 3 boys: 1st = Nixon, 2nd = Oliver, 3rd = Judah

Year 4 girls: 1st = Annabel, 2nd = Millie, 3rd = Angela Y

Year 4 boys: 1st = Luca, 2nd = Vedant, 3rd = Ethan

Year 5 girls: 1st = Laylah, 2nd = Annie O-W, 3rd = Emily

Year 5 boys: 1st = Basti, 2nd = Ryan Y, 3rd = John

Year 6 girls: 1st = Ruby, 2nd = Lina, 3rd = Anna

Year 6 boys: 1st = Arthur Y, 2nd = Josh, 3rd = Johnson

  • Izzy and Ollie D: You have been working so hard in literacy time and your kaiako (teachers) are so impressed with your work and behaviour. Ka pai!
  • Keira J and Emmy: Well done for working so hard on your gymnastic badges. Emmy has found so much courage and challenged herself over and over again in her gym classes, walking forwards and backwards on the high beams and swinging on the bars and rings. She achieved a Level 1 badge and we are so proud of her and her courage! Keira has thrived in gymnastics and thrown herself wholeheartedly into every challenge. Last night she was rewarded by receiving 4 badges and going straight into Level 5. Keira also won the Zealandia colouring competition for her age group, with a beautiful takahē colouring piece. Super work, girls!
  • Jordan: For standing up for someone when others were teasing them about their pink socks. Well done for being a super upstander. 
  • Surya: For showing beautiful manners! Someone held the door open for you and you made a point to thank them for it, using their name so you knew they had heard you.
  • AJ, Luca C, Zachary and Angela (teacher): Thank you for delivering beautiful bowls of confetti spaghetti to Urs, Jenny and Rachel. You cooked this in your first Garden to Table session and it was amazing. We all loved our meal - it was much better than what we had brought for lunch! Tēnā koutou for your thoughtfulness.
  • Sophronia: You saw someone who looked sad outside at morning tea, and you came over to the office to get some help for them. Thank you for being such a kind and caring friend.
  • L J and Nia: You did very well doing your mihimihi at the mihi whākatau. Thank you for representing yourselves and our kura so well.
  • Talia and Nia: Congratulations on coming sixth in your hip hop dance competition on the weekend.
  • Sophia and Bailey: You have both been working really hard in literacy focusing on your work. Ka pai, keep it up!
  • Hassnain: You kept on going even when you lost a shoe at cross country. What great perseverance, we are so impressed with you.
  • Ollie D and Ryker: Super efforts helping with the bike shed almost everyday this week. We are all really thankful for your help. Well done Ollie for being nominated twice this week!